No input file found No input file found No input file found No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache got cached result for sub/conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c No input file found Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache No input file found No input file found No input file found Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache got cached result for sub/conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o called for link with conftstm.o got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for out/conftest2.o got cached result for conftest.o Not a C/C++ file - conftest.o No input file found got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.cpp No input file found No input file found got cached result for conftest.o Not a C/C++ file - conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.cpp got cached result for out/conftest2.o No input file found Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c Placed auth.o into cache Placed auto_respond.o into cache Placed changeinfo.o into cache Placed changenick.o into cache Placed cl_migrate.o into cache Placed detach.o into cache Placed dirbrowser.o into cache Placed dragdrop.o into cache Placed emoticons.o into cache Placed events.o into cache Placed filexfer.o into cache Placed filexferdlg.o into cache Placed flash.o into cache Placed gnomecfg.o into cache Placed gnomeicu-spinner.o into cache Placed gnomeicu.o into cache Placed group_popup.o into cache Placed groups.o into cache Placed grpmgr.o into cache Placed gtkfunc.o into cache Placed history.o into cache Placed icons.o into cache Placed ignore.o into cache Placed invisible.o into cache Placed listwindow.o into cache Placed msg.o into cache Placed newsignup.o into cache Placed notify.o into cache Placed packetprint.o into cache Placed personal_info.o into cache Placed prefs.o into cache Placed prefs_ui.o into cache Placed response.o into cache Placed rtf-reader.o into cache Placed search.o into cache Placed sendcontact.o into cache Placed showlist.o into cache Placed tray.o into cache Placed tcp.o into cache Placed user_popup.o into cache Placed userserver.o into cache Placed util.o into cache Placed v7base.o into cache Placed v7login.o into cache Placed v7newuser.o into cache Placed v7recv.o into cache Placed v7send.o into cache Placed v7snac13.o into cache Placed visible.o into cache Placed xmlcontact.o into cache got cached result for icu_db.o called for link with auto_respond.o Placed gnomeicu-client.o into cache Not a C/C++ file - gnomeicu-client.o