No -c option found for conftest.C Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for dummy-hello.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for dummy.c No -c option found for dummy.c No -c option found for conftest.c Placed now.o into cache Not a C/C++ file - now.o Placed nsinstall.o into cache Not a C/C++ file - nsinstall.o Placed prfdcach.o into cache Placed prmwait.o into cache Placed priometh.o into cache Placed pripv6.o into cache Placed prmapopt.o into cache Placed prlayer.o into cache Placed prlog.o into cache Placed prmmap.o into cache Placed prpolevt.o into cache Placed prprf.o into cache Placed prscanf.o into cache Placed prstdio.o into cache Placed prlink.o into cache Placed prmalloc.o into cache Placed prmem.o into cache Placed unix.o into cache Placed unix_errors.o into cache Placed uxproces.o into cache Placed uxrng.o into cache Placed uxshm.o into cache Placed uxwrap.o into cache Placed linux.o into cache Not a C/C++ file - os_Linux_x86.s Placed prosdep.o into cache Placed prseg.o into cache Placed prshm.o into cache Placed prshma.o into cache Placed pralarm.o into cache Placed pratom.o into cache Placed prcountr.o into cache Placed prdtoa.o into cache Placed prenv.o into cache Placed prerr.o into cache Placed prerror.o into cache Placed prerrortable.o into cache Placed prinit.o into cache Placed prinrval.o into cache Placed pripc.o into cache Placed prlog2.o into cache Placed prlong.o into cache Placed prnetdb.o into cache Placed prolock.o into cache Placed prrng.o into cache Placed prsystem.o into cache Placed prtime.o into cache Placed prthinfo.o into cache Placed prtpool.o into cache Placed prtrace.o into cache Placed prcmon.o into cache Placed prrwlock.o into cache Placed prtpd.o into cache Placed ptio.o into cache Placed ptsynch.o into cache Placed ptthread.o into cache Placed ptmisc.o into cache Placed prvrsion.o into cache called for link with io/./prfdcach.o Placed plarena.o into cache Placed plhash.o into cache Placed plvrsion.o into cache called for link with ./plhash.o Placed plvrsion.o into cache Placed strlen.o into cache Placed strcpy.o into cache Placed strdup.o into cache Placed strcat.o into cache Placed strcmp.o into cache Placed strccmp.o into cache Placed strchr.o into cache Placed strpbrk.o into cache Placed strstr.o into cache Placed strcstr.o into cache Placed strtok.o into cache Placed base64.o into cache Placed plerror.o into cache Placed plgetopt.o into cache called for link with ./strlen.o